Amish Mennonites of Canada
Genealogical Introductions by Bruce W. Jantzi
These Genealogical Introductions of 128 family names of all the known Amish Mennonite immigrants who settled or passed through Upper Canada (Ontario) in the 1800’s are built upon the research of Lorraine Roth (deceased 2013) of Tavistock, Ontario. Before her death, Lorraine had given Bruce Jantzi a copy of her digital files and permission to update and publish her work as new information is found.
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Bruce Jantzi has been researching his ancestral lines since he was 18 years old. He has had a great interest in family history, especially of the families in, or connected to, the Amish Mennonite churches in Ontario, as well as these families’ genealogical and church roots in Europe. He has been involved with a number of committees which published family histories. Bruce and Ruthann Jantzi and their children have also been involved in establishing Anabaptist churches in Ukraine since 1993.